Join the Internship Program

Discover and understand extreme poverty by the ATD Way

We continuously seek growth in our teams. Our Philippine team needs more Filipino (permanent) volunteers to implement our programs. Our internship program is a way to invite friends to learn, know, and understand our organization and approach in fighting poverty. It also a first step to those interested to become a permanent volunteer to join our Volunteer Corps.

Through our internship program, our interns will gain insightful knowledge and experience on our vision, mission, and activities. They will participate in our activities and help us fulfill our series of planned programs for the year.

Who can join?
We welcome anyone who has volunteered or wishes to volunteer on a regular basis in any of our programs – Ang Galing, Street Library, Festival of Learning, October 17, Forum, and Workshops. If you wish to be an intern, feel free to contact us.

Our Interns

Yeng Calaguas
Formerly an internal bank auditor but now an ATD permanent volunteer working in the International Relations in France.


Once in our lives, there comes a time when we seem to be lost as to where our lives are leading us. Eight years ago, I was sitting in front of my office PC when the first line of Evanescence’s song struck me – I’m so tired of being here.

I realized I needed a drastic change in my life.

I found the courage to act on this need of change in 2011 – the year that I learned of ATD’s existence through one of the more famous NGOs here in the Philippines.

I started joining ATD’s Street Library in March 2011. Since then, I have dedicated a good part of my free time participating in their programs – Street Library, Community Forum, Workshops, Festival of Learning and Celebration of International Day of Overcoming Poverty every October 17th. Even with my regular participation, I felt that there is still so much for me to learn and discover ATD and its volunteers. When I was invited to join their internship program, I did not think twice in accepting it. Each time I interacted with everyone linked with ATD – parents and children of community members, permanent and part time volunteers, friends, researchers, and practitioners, there is a feeling of involvement and fulfillment.

Others may think that when you volunteer, you help people; you provide service to the community. But I think otherwise. I am gaining so much knowledge than what I am able to impart. More than seeing light on the situation of people living in poverty, there is now a longing to make a change in society’s perception of the poor. Or maybe, it could be that all of us – who are working towards the eradication of exclusion and injustice specifically of and to those in extreme poverty – learn and lean on to each other in our journey towards a world where people live with and in dignity.

Reymond de Jesus
Financial and Planning Analyst

The best way to check a commitment to the things that you do is when unconsciously you are enjoying it even up to the smallest details.

Accepting the internship with ATD solidify this commitment. The opportunity to have a deeper understanding of the goal of ATD opens up much more anticipation in learning various perspectives on different aspects of life in the communities. I am excited to take this journey and learn with the members of the community, with mentors and friends.

Mari Jo Pabilonia
Data Analyst

ATD is not just about helping people. It is actually about helping people help themselves. I think what they give people is far more precious than the tangible offerings one can easily provide. They take time in understanding what it takes for people to claim a decent life that is sustainable and lasting – conducting studies, initiating programs, organizing community fora, submitting proposals and creating events for learning and character building.

In one of the most recent emails from the Team, it says – Changes are slow to come, but each step is worth taking. In accepting the ATD Internship, I am committing myself to be a part of this change.

Christelle Belmonte
Public Relations Manager / Writer

I think this is the only picture I have while participating in an ATD activity. I wanted it to be my little secret. I would go there and nobody would know whom I am, I would just be the kids’ “Ate” (older sister) for the day. But I realized that for my experience to be really meaningful, I have to invest more of myself both to ATD and to the communities it supports. When I was offered an internship, I accepted it right away. It was my chance to know them more, understand them better, hopefully, do more for them as well.

There is a sense of fulfillment whenever I read stories to the kids, or serve as a translator during forum or interviews, or help prepare materials for the activities. You feel like you are part of something good. The kids’ eagerness to learn and their parents’ resilience and positivity despite their problems also inspire me in ways that no words can describe. So in a way, it’s not just me who’s giving something, I am benefiting from the experience too.

If you think about it, working with ATD is not really about helping people in poverty. It is about people from all walks of life helping each other to become better. It is about us moving towards one direction – all together in dignity.