Community Projects
Community Projects
1) Social Actions
Under social actions, we undertake activities that are not directly part of our regular programs but as our global effort to give people access to basic human rights. Our support helps them to avail work, livelihood, health, shelter, and education. Even if it is often on an individual basis, it is a source of learning for our Movement “how things work or do not work” for people living in poverty. Base from our experiences, we have the opportunity to share them with people in authority who may not always be aware of the effectiveness and efficiency of their programs – how it affects the people.
Our social actions in the communities include:
- accompany a family to enroll a child after years of drop-out
- support a family in processing late registration of a child
- burial and financial assistance for community members
- help a family in case of serious sickness to process the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office financial support
- aid a family to be enrolled in the Department of Social Welfare and Development’s Pantawid Program (conditional cash transfer program )
- assist a family in case of domestic violence to make links with existing services
- guide some homeless families who could not cope in resettlement sites
- write an endorsement letter for someone applying for a job
- support community initiatives and dialogue with authorities like availing of socialized housing and other basic needs
2) Sulong Program
In our communities, the families have struggled to find work or earn an income to have basic necessities like shelter, food, medicine, and education for their children.
To fulfill our 2013-2017 ambition of “Shaping a People-Centered and Earth-Friendly Economic Vision”, we discussed with the community parents and adults the jobs and skills they have that will support their needs. We find ways to provide training and links with organizations that can explore and experiment on programs in line with other “learning and working together” ATD Fourth World projects worldwide.
The Sulong North Cemetery Project is a savings and livelihood project. Initially eleven women from Manila North Cemetery were trained to sew handmade Parols (Christmas Lanterns). Aside from the training, they experimented with fair and participative ways of production, management, quality control, cooperation, financing, budgeting, marketing, and saving. The projects also sought the participation of the more excluded members living in North Cemetery. In a follow-up phase, they established a savings program – participants gave a regular contribution from their income to be used for emergency purposes and personal and family projects.
We are heartened by the steps taken by these pilot projects that we are constantly seeking partners (individuals and corporations) to help us find ways to create and sustain humane living conditions and environment for the communities.