

The forum is our dialogue with community members to discuss key social issues. We discussed freely various topics like politics, family matters, education, relocation, livelihood, and other relevant issues or news that impact or affect their sector.

 It allows people struggling against chronic poverty to meet others, to express and exchange personal experiences, and to have a better understanding of pertinent issues. We invite guest speakers or resource persons from NGOs, private organizations, and government institutions to share valuable information and knowledge related to the topic. During the forum, every one (be it the community members, friends, and guest speakers) gains mutual insights and lessons from each other.
Before attending, groups and individuals are encouraged to prepare within their communities and friends. Their ideas are shared in the main forum. We listen with respect to all opinions, particularly those from the communities. It has become a meeting place among families and participants of various backgrounds; as such, everyone leaves the Forum with wider perspectives and heightened knowledge.