It’s Time to Stop Poverty
Over the past year, the Stop Poverty campaign has reached tens of thousands of people from around the world. Through hundreds of choir concerts, dozens of academic debates, thousands of social media messages, and events in international institutions like the UN and European Parliament, we have sent a clear message that there is a movement out there to stop poverty, and that the time for action is now.
As we enter the final weeks of our campaign, with the 30th World Day for Overcoming Extreme Poverty coming up on October 17, we need to turn up the volume even more.
Today we are inviting everyone to donate a post on social media to support our Thunderclap on October 17.
Click here to hear your voice.
If we reach our goal of 500 supporters, a message will go out on social media platforms around the world just as the official October 17 commemoration at the United Nations begins, saying that the time has come to make poverty history.
Through Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr, you will help bring the world’s attention to the live World Day for Overcoming Extreme Poverty programming on the stop poverty website:
Of course social media alone won’t stop the violence that poverty inflicts on families all over the world on a daily basis. To build a world without poverty will take a concerted effort, day in and day out, from ordinary citizens, community groups, and governments at all levels.
Overcoming poverty takes a movement – and this October 17, we will show the world that a movement is here.